Get Prepared to Get Lost. Immerse into some of the best life changing quotes . Add quotes that you believe is a game changer
Quote1 Golden Rule!
The Golden Rule of Life is One who has the Gold makes the rule
Quote2 What are you?
Small Minds Talk People
Average Minds Talk Events
Great Minds Talk Ideas
Quote3 Change!
One who "Creates the Change" Leads
One who changes "With the Change", Succeeds
One who changes "After the Change" Survives
One who doesn't change, Perishes
Quote4 What is your Destiny?
Your belief become your thoughts!
Your thoughts become your words!
Your words become your action!
Your action becomes your habit!
Your habits become your values!
Your values lead you to your destiny!
Quote5 Practice!
Reading make a full man!
Writing makes an exact man!
Practice makes a perfect man!
There is no second chance for a first impression!