A famous quote from Lao Tzu says:
Watch your thoughts, they become your words;
Watch your words, they become your actions;
Watch your actions, they become your habits;
Watch your habits, they become your character;
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.
It is evident that your Thoughts determines your Destiny.
Positive thoughts lead to positive destiny & Negative thoughtslead to negative destiny
Negative thoughts can't be controlled but can be suppressed. How?
When you add a big line next to a small line and keep growing the bigger line, smaller line will vanish at some point of time. Similarly if we keep increasing our positive thoughts, it will wipe-off all the negative thoughts one fine day.
How and where do we get positive thoughts and how to grow it?
It is important to understand what is positive thought before we go further. In the to be launched book "The 3words Magic" from R2kademy, this topic is covered in detail. For your crisp information, outcome of positive thoughts and negative thoughts will be what you desire but the only difference is positive thoughts "Cares" others and negative thoughts "Scares" others.
Many may advise you should listen to motivating speeched, move around in positive environment etc. Practically it is not possible all the times.
The only way to instill, nurture and foster positive thoughts is by realizing the 3words that control this world. These are lost words in this fast world. If you can master these 3words, you are on top of this world. What are the 3words? Subscribe at R2kademy to get the pre-launch information.

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See you in next piece #3 HABITS
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